Load/save definitions

The definitions are stored in two places: 
1 InDesign preferences (so they will remain there even after upgrading the plug-in)
2 In the documents created when this plug-in was present. The data are not leaving a footprint and will now cause any problems when the document is edited without this plug-in.

To load format definitions go to Type -> Cross-References -> Load  Formats  and select a document containing cross-references to load the definitions.  Formats can be loaded from any InDesign document created or edited with Cross-References plug-in. To quickly add to the default formats you can download documents containing format definitions from www.dtptools.com/cross-references .

Deleting InDesign preferences also deletes default formats. To get your formats back to your default InDesign settings documents and select the document you've edited as the last one. All formats present in InDesign when this document was last saved are now your default formats (unless you've manually deleted formats in that particular document).

Format settings work the same way as any other InDesign preferences. When no documents are open, the loaded formats will be loaded to InDesign workspace. If any documents are open, the format will be loaded only to active document.

To save or export your custom format definitions, create a new document and save it immediately after creation. This document will contain the current definitions of formats and the formats can be loaded from it on any computer running the Cross-References plug-in.