Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance is a plugin that is looking for very common document mistakes.

Quality Assurance Panel

Figure 1


Quality Assurance Options:

 Quality Assurance Options

Figure 2

Find objects with a stroke of >zero and <.2 pt (future version of plug-in would allow user defineable values, but let's hard code it to this now)

Find overset text frames

Find local kerning/tracking

Find any local character formatting

Find any local paragraph formatting

Find empty frames

Find two of the same object on top of each other

Find non-printing items (either frames or graphics inside frames)

Find objects entirely on the pasteboard

Find text frames partially on the document page (where text will be trimmed off)

Find two of any invisible character (two returns, two spaces, two tabs in a row, etc.)

Find objects colored with unnamed colors (colors for which there is no swatch)

Find hidden objects (objects that are fully covered by other opaque objects)

Find runts (single word or partial word at the end of a paragraph)

Find blank pages

Find paragraph or character styles that are defined with fonts that don't actually show up in the document itself. This could either highlight the style in the panel or (probably) create a report (see below) with a list of the styles. This is important because if user #1 sends an InDesign document to user #2, and user #2 doesn't have the same fonts, then they'll receive an error when opening it-even if the font isn't used in the document anywhere!

It has buttons for Find Next, Find First, Find Previous, and Report

If the user clicks Report, a window appears with a list of all the "errors" including page number. This info can be copy & pasted, or saved to disk.

If a book panel is open, then an option to "Check whole book" is available